Thursday 25 October 2007


Well, I'd say the last fortnight has been one long adventure. Moving house. Now I'm off on a mini-break and ignoring the unpacking. It can wait. I'll be without internet for a little while but will record anything of note to put online later.

It doesn't feel like I'm on holidays yet... probably cos I'll spend the next 5 hrs organising and packing. Once I leave tomorrow morning I'll imagine the wind in my hair blowing me to my next destination and leaving my cares behind.

Here's to looking after myself!

Thursday 18 October 2007

A taxing move

I'm moving and it's chaos in both houses. Wishing I had more time, a few days off in a row... rather than half a day here, half a day there, and the odd hour or two. Oh, it'll get done, I'll be all moved and less a lot of rubbish and things I don't need, all organised, settled...

It's also tax time. I've left it to the last minute.

*Cough* back to packing or tax or working it is.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Feeling adventurous?

I'm constantly learning about myself. Lately I'm delving into my feelings and emotions. I have a feeling it will serve me in my search for change and adventure (and will be useful in general). It's interesting and uncomfortable yet I will persist.

I'm not in my new abode yet. It's still happening but dates have changed a little. I've gone through some belongings and thrown some of them out... and realising if I'd done that months earlier I would have had so much more room! I'm reminding myself of how little space I'll have at the new house and to be ruthless in deciding what to get rid of. Also, it will save me time and effort if I cull now.

I'm planning a little weekend away. I was going to go at the end of October but think I'll move it up to my first weekend off in November. I'll be integrated in the new house by then and ready for an adventure.

Monday 1 October 2007

Finding time

I waste a lot of time. It's habitual. I'm a chronic time waster. And this has to change. Now. My newest adventure is to make the most of each day. To cut out things that don't serve me. I read something once... that a behaviour doesn't need hours of analysis to change. A new action can create a new habit in an instant.

I stayed by myself in a low-technology house last night, had a pleasant evening, 10 hrs of sleep and awoke this morning refreshed and positive. I need more of that.