Tuesday 19 February 2008


Well, I'm off first thing in the morning. My luggage has already begun its journey... I catch up with it in the afternoon. I'm equally dreading and looking forward to the trip... seems a strange mix... but, y'know, I'm pretty resistant to the unknown...

So, I'll be seeing yas in a few weeks.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Summer is on the wane

Well... have I been slack with updating!!

What have I been up to? Have I been off adventuring???

Well, in some ways I have been. I've been nesting, socialising, dancing, working, soul searching, singing, reading, planning.

I haven't had much time to write online and keep up with all my side projects.

Work is slow, a seasonal thing, but I've managed to put aside some money... which I will spend when I go away for 2 weeks later this month. Part of me is looking forward to the trip, part of me is scared of not working, of spending money, that I won't enjoy myself, that I'm wasting my time, that I'll get fat and unfit, that I'll lose time...

For health reasons, I'm about to change my diet... eliminating a whole lot of rubbish (and foods that could be making me ill) and replacing those foods with wholesome, nutritious foods. I'm making the transition today... clearing/hiding foods I'm not to eat and buying foods to eat in abundance. This morning I had my last caffeine and sugar for... hmmm, not sure how long I'll do it for, will update monthly and see how I'm going...

Today is a paperwork day. I have numbers and reports to finalise for January. Better see to it... one can't adventure all the time...

P.S. I've updated my wishlist.