Friday 31 August 2007

Suggest an adventure

Is there some activity or place you think I absolutely must adventure to in the next year?

Can I come and see/help you work for a day? (I'm accessible to Sydney and its surrounds, further if I'm paid!)

Do you want to give me things?

Do you have your own adventure story you want me to post?

Do you have any other suggestions?

Write a suggestion in the comments or send me an email (the link is provided in my profile).

Note: Remember the 'rules' are
1. I'm limited by time, money and location
2. Nothing illegal
3. I will decide if I will take on your adventure

Wishlist of Adventures

There will be limits to the number and types of adventures I will be having. One concern is my lack of income. One of my adventure-goals is to pay off all debts. I will definitely be working in this time. And most likely remaining in my current location for at least the next 6 months. My adventures will need to be close to home or for shortish periods of time. However, my work can be flexible (once it is more firmly established or with the right connections). Going away for a month, even two or three is not impossible if I can work along the way or have the means to do so. I don't have kids or a mortgage so with a few relatively small increases in income I have a lot of liberties.

I will not be taking part in anything illegal. This rule may be bent if it involves activism or something unjust or a really really good reason. I won't be experimenting with drugs or prostitution or crime.

I will consider other people's suggestions of adventures to try. I'll choose ones that sound interesting or achievable and that I have the time and money to do.

This list is not comprehensive. I'll update it throughout the year.

Adventures to be had

Regularly do little things that are scary me (so that I can move on)
Be debt-free
Move to a new house (my dream is to actually own my own home)
Grow and expand my business (I've kept it going, it's a start)
Eat vegetables that I have grown (do herbs count?)
Do some work for charity
Run in the next City to Surf
Learn a song on guitar
Learn 10 songs on guitar
Spend at least a week holidaying someplace warm where I can laze on the beach, fish, walk, read and relax
Go skiing (I haven't been in 14 years)
Do a two-day bushwalk that involves camping overnight
A trip to the Hunter Valley (a girls trip?)
Spend a week WWOOFing (on the way)
Workshops and further education
A 3 month trial of vegetarianism (I have been vegetarian in the past)
A trial of daily meditation (update - I'm doing about 2-3 days a week now which is an improvement!)

Things I want to have

One or two sets of decent business clothing
Some new clothes - jeans, pants, shirts, bras etc.
Furniture to go with my house
Household objects and appliances such as cutlery, saucepans DVD/VCR player
A laptop (I'm using an ancient Pentium II)

Thursday 30 August 2007


Change is not something that I enjoy or indulge. I'll use any excuse to stay exactly where I am whilst simultaneously wishing things were better. I find it difficult to pick a course of action. When nothing feels right, do you just do something? Just so that you're moving? Or is it better to wait? And what am I waiting for exactly? What if my desired outcome doesn't exist? These are tough questions, the kind of questions that keep me awake at night. And that keep me stuck. Now that I'm having adventures I'll be on the look out for ways to prompt me into action. Deadlines tend to help. When I absolutely have to act, I will. But it's a very stressful way to go about things. There must be a better way.

I am trying, however. Last night a friend dropped around and I spontaneously invited him for dinner. Then, when close to serving my yummy dinner, I had an invite to go out and see the lunar eclipse from a lookout. That was a bit too much spontaneity for me and I grumbled and grizzled about how the partial eclipse had already started and I'd already made plans and that dinner was almost ready and that I didn't want to miss the actual full eclipse moment (it was only half an hour away). It took my boyfriend 10 mins to talk me into going. And after I'd stopped resisting and being difficult, it was a fun adventure, more memorable than watching the moon from my backyard.

It just hit me that I have a whole year of adventures in store for me. Let's hope they come a little more easily as the days pass!

Tuesday 28 August 2007

The mission

I started to wonder how it would be to find meaning, a purpose, a home, income, to have adventures. I was a person who liked to try things before deciding. Perhaps I could actually make it a goal to try different things. Perhaps I could find some answers or at least things I could live with. Perhaps I could give myself a timeframe. A year sounded like a good amount of time; it's not too long but a lot can be achieved. A year is measurable. I could have bucketloads of adventures in that time. Yes, an experiment. A yearlong adventure. None of my adventures need be permanent, I could simply give things a go. A year is safe. A year is made for miracles. At the end of the yearlong adventures I would put my learnings together into a book or report. I would also keep a regular blog of my adventures over the next year.

I wrote my idea down on scraps of paper (yes, I carried them with me on my walk in case I had any realisations).

That very same day (yesterday, in fact) I started the blog.

Monday 27 August 2007

Back then

I'm stuck, you see? Confused, broke (actually in debt), aimless. And really and truly stuck. I need to move house, make some income, work on certain commitments... but I am lost as to how. And the what, where, when and which of it just gives me a headache. It seems that everyone around me has an opinion on what I should do. I've been told I simply need to be clear about what I want. What I want. That word... want. I want it to be easy and for a solution to appear. I'm open to different things. I thought I had decided on where and what I wanted to live in. Then some new information came to light which not only confused me further but cost me $70. I still am playing with different careers and trying them on for size. It's in my horoscope; apparently I'm meant to be indecisive. However, this is just ridiculous! My mind changes from day to day, month to month. And to top it all off, I'm almost 30. Obviously, Saturn is playing tricks on me!

The last few days were dark days. I went spiralling into a miserable hopeless state. I felt alone. I felt I had taken a huge step backwards. I felt powerless. I went for a walk in the night and cried and cried and cried. What was the point of my life and in fact, of everything?

This morning, however, I saw the signs of Spring. I meditated and visualised, I drew Angel cards in answer to certain questions. My positive hopeful feelings were returning. I went for a walk and listened to rushing water and to birds calling and feeding. I thought of what was going on, or rather not going on, in my life. I thought of the future.

I had an idea.